Hi everyone
After weeks of planning, we are delighted to let you know that SG SpringFest is now live, ready for you to sign up to one, some, or maybe even all of the events that we have on offer. We have tried very hard as a committee to provide something for everyone. On Zoom there are talks and demonstrations on all sorts of topics provided by local experts, from sushi to vegetable growing, bees to cocktails, together with flower arranging and a three course meal! We also have two fascinating talks from Timothy Walker, who used to run the Botanic Gardens in Oxford. We have live evening bird spotting walks, and two magical dawn chorus adventures. We have an experienced market gardener bringing young plants for summer colour for sale, and of course the Front Gardens Trail, at which we hope that you will enjoy walking round our wonderful village and chatting to your neighbours. And then you can finish the weekend off with a delicious afternoon tea. And there's activities for the youngsters too - they might well be interested in many of the Zoom talks, and if they want to get outside we will be providing a treasure hunt, for which the prizes are seeds that they can use to develop their own love of gardening. And there are free plug plants for them to nurture too. All the details and most of the events are now live to book on the website (www.seergreengardeners.org), and we have worked very hard to ensure that everything is free! Many thanks to Jordans Environment Trust for helping us reach this goal. I really hope that you enjoy the festival, please pass the details on to your friends! Jane
The sun is shining and the daffodils are brightening up our gardens, there is a definite feeling of spring in the air today. So I thought I would touch base with everyone to let you know about what the Gardeners have been up to over the last weeks, give you a sneak preview of our plans for the Spring, and ask whether you would like to be involved!
The Virtual village supper was a huge success. Many thanks to everyone who came, and particularly to the committee of the society for their unstinting efforts to create an evening to remember, even though it had to be on Zoom. We raised over £1000, which will be used to support the work we do in the village, and possibly will go towards other good causes too. You may have noticed that there has been a lot of work going on recently at the three entrances to the village. Along with a team paid for by a Bucks Council grant, we have been preparing the sites for 3 large wildflower patches. The Bottom Lane site which was so successful last year has had to be completely dug again because of an influx of perennial weeds last year. This is now fully prepared to be sown at the end of the month. The Bayne Hill site has had an initial clearing, and will be worked on a couple more times to dislodge the brambles and other weeds. And at Chalfont Road we are removing the turfs ready for that area to be rotovated too. Hopefully this hard work will result in three amazing wildflower patches that will give as much pleasure as last year. Looking to next month, we are delighted to announce a new initiative, and we would love to have the village get behind us. Because of ongoing Covid restrictions we are unable to hold our popular Spring Show, so instead we are planning the SG SpringFest, a 4-day programme to celebrate everything we most love about spring, with a series of different events, both live and online between Thursday 22 and Sunday 25 April. More details to follow soon! The culmination of SpringFest will be a Front Gardens Trail on the afternoon of Sunday 25 April. We are inviting you to show off your front garden as part of the trail. Your garden will need to be easily seen from the path, pavement or road. We would simply ask you to be available from 2 to 4 pm to greet people and answer any questions. Your garden need not be a horticultural masterpiece, we'd love as many people as possible to take part. You could simply show off your spring bulbs and blossom or plant up some pots for the whole community to enjoy. We are planning to organise this in a Covid secure way, so people will not be allowed to enter your garden and everyone will be asked to respect the Covid guidelines. We also thought it would be a great opportunity for the artistic members of our village to show off what they might have been doing during lockdown! So we are also encouraging artists, craft makers and anyone creative to display their work in their front garden, or to make something special to display. This could range from wood carving to fine art, or be something much more low key, everything is welcome. In the same way as the Village Advent calendar, we would like lots of people to be involved to make this a celebration both of our lovely village and of the gradual release from lockdown. If you would like your front garden to be included please click here to register by 10 April. If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or call me on 07759841205 We're looking forward to hearing from you! Jane |